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Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Holiday Inspiration

The Easter weekend was a lovely mixture of seeing family, walking, and copious amounts of chocolate consumption.  I also wanted to give myself some time to just sit back and relax a little, read, and watch those films I've had on my list for a while!  I have a table in my office where I keep a selection of books and magazines that have inspired me, or I'm saving to read on a rainy day.  One of these is 'A Book Of Britain' by Johnny Scott.  It's a beautiful hardback about the countryside, the people that live in it, their customs, and traditions.

 I've realised more and more that nature and the seasons inspire my work. This is a book I can dip in and out of, and I always see or read something new.  The book comes to life through Cristian Barnett's photography.

 Along with the Easter eggs, the big kid in me also needed feeding!  I bought 'The Boy In The Oak' a few months ago.  It literally fell onto my foot in a bookshop and when I picked it up,  I loved the cover and the images inside.  It's both written and illustrated by Jessica Albarn.  It's a fantasy about a boy who discovers an oak tree in his family's back garden and how his world collides with the enchanted one the fairies inhabit, who protect the natural world.  I only recently found out that it's also been made into a short film starring Jude Law. 

I've had the DVD of 'Where The Wild Things Are' for a while, just waiting for the right moment to watch it, and I wasn't disappointed.  The photography is stunning and use of light is beautiful.  For an hour and a half, I was completely enthralled as the film follows the adventures of a young boy named Max as he enters the world of the Wild Things.  If you haven't already seen it, I'd highly recommend it!

Whatever you were doing over Easter, I hope you had a lovely, and inspiring time.


  1. What a lovely post and I think I need to read both of those books!

    You know that picture of the owl in the book? My friend Natalie has a huge print in her kitchen that looks like the very same drawing. I wonder if it's the same. It is

  2. Hannah, you'd love them!

    The Boy In The Oak has such beautiful illustrations - all by Jessica Albarn. Wonder if it's the same?? Plus - has bark like textures on the cover, just lovely! xx
